~ My LiTtLe HeRo ~

This is the best pose by my little hero Muhammad Iqbal"...so cute..so funny...^ - ^....


Friday, June 28, 2013

Sembang Petang

Hai blog....

Hari nie mama singgah lagi...rest otak yang kusut dgan kerja2 tender....you know why I'm lucky today because all work given by tender almost done..Alhamdulillah...Xde la tkejar2 sgt..kalu x kelam kelibut....

I think almost 3 weeks I'm strugalling to finish my job....now my free....:)...today I want go back sharp 5.30pm...nk abik ank kesyangan Iqbal & Afeefa:)...Sometime I think what they do it in the school???? Sleep#listen the stories or play with their friend...

Don't worry mama....they save....I hope too...kenapa la lmbt sgt rasanye masa berjalan hari nie....baru kul 4pm...ada lg dlm sejam setengah nk blik...horray...horray.....I like it...punch card jer 5.30 tp sampai umh ttp kul 7pm...kena tgu Mr.Hubby lak...die slalu blik lmbt...nak buat cmne kena la tgu..xkan la nk suh die p keje n moto lak...risau beb...

Lately nie...rmai lak yg excident...kete n moto la...moto n moto la....kete n kete....rsau2...lebey baik aku tgu...rsau kalu jd ape2 kat Mr.Hubby...."Ya Allah lindungi kami dan famili kami daripada segala bahaya"..Amin...

Okey la...nti smbg lagi yer....sok ciapkan keje ckit lgi..jap lagi nak blik daaaa....

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hai Blog...

Ahaks...dh lm rsanye x updated blog...rindu lak rsanye...lg pn ank ke-2 skrg dh 1 th 5 bln...besar daaaaa....Alhamdulillah....kwn2 yg seangkatan dgn I pn dh rmai pregnant....

kalau tye bab2 pregnant nie...mmg la best...saat paling indah dlm idup...tp ank ke-3 nie lmbt ckit lak...nk rest dlu....mybe ujg taun dpn ke? kalu ada rezeki la...Amin...

Cmne lak kwn2 ku kat blogger....any info to share? I thing a lot of u always up to date...except me...hehhe...anyway I try to start active again:)

- Annur Afeefa -

 Actually this is my daugter Annur Afeefa....You think she face like mama or papa?